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A Strange Deja Vu

What is it like to visit a place that used to be your home and yet, you haven't been there for so long, everything is familiar but completely different? The same streets, landmarks, foods, and even some faces are still there, but they are not whom they were before. As a transit city for expats, nearly everyone that I knew in the four years that I called Shanghai my home has left. There were a few people that were still around, and surprisingly several more that were randomly in town during my eight days in my old 'hometown.'

China, and even Shanghai are both really amazing places. The thing that I fell in love about Shanghai was its ability to be so modern, have tradition, and change at such a rapid place. For me every day was so foreign, and each day a new adventure. You just leave your flat and the day will take on a new turn of its own, creating a little experience as if you are traveling. Going back home after two years to the sunny shores of San Diego, California, honestly not much has changed. You leave Shanghai for three months and the city is full of new restaurants, new bars, new fads, and new life. Now put that into four years and there is this weird feeling. It's like at a quick glace you can see what you remembered, but at a closer look everything has changed. It's kind of similar to someone wearing a mask of someone you knew. At a quick glance on the surface, you see all the major sights, but then, you notice that there is something that isn't quite right.

For example, there was famous street with bars and restaurants all catering to expats, mostly French, called Yang Kong Road. While it was definitely not the highest end of areas, it was an expat enclave from students to bankers who would go there for a little bit of familiarity of their home country in the French Concession. Now the location, the whole street literally, has been moved to a different area in the city, and is more 'upscale' like a Miami mall. Instead of being just expats, there is a mix of locals and expats that are now the new Shanghai. It doesn't surprise me, but that is the beauty of China to a degree. She can decide something and make it happen... quick.

A lot of the popular restaurants that I used to frequent were still around, maybe moved to a new location, tried to be more upscale, but the food was similar to what it was, but not what I remembered. Even M1NT which used to be one of the places to go on a Wednesday or weekend night, was bought, sold, bought, and now even in the same location isn't the same as I remembered.

One thing that hasn't changed too much was the Peninsula Hotel on the Bund and after exploring the crowds that are Nanjing Dong(East) Road and the Bund, was a needed place to relax and take in the scenes. The property just lies at the end of the Bund, next to Rock Bund, and its luxury makes for a quiet getaway from the masses of tourists down the road. On a Sunday, having a nice glass of champagne or wine with friends is quintessentially Shanghai expat life.

Another hotel that is one of my favorite boutique hotels is the PuLi Hotel. The hotel's charm is still the same, but their signature cucumber martini was no longer on the menu which was a disappointment. The design of the inside and the rooms is very well appointed, and every time you come in to the hotel you just feel a bit more relaxed. Upstairs for dinner, is PHÉNIX restaurant which received a prestigious Michelin star. The service was very on point and made for an enjoyable evening. Also four years ago there was no Michelin rating in Shanghai so that was a little interesting to see which restaurants placed.

Overall, Shanghai hasn't lost its charm. It's just a little bit the same, but so different from what I remember. I was fortunate enough to have clear skies for the most of the time while I was there, which a friend told me was real luck. The city will continue to pull me back and I can't wait for my next trip there. And yes, next time I will have WeChat so I can literally pay for everything, anywhere and order DiDi car service without complications.

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